Samsung officially presented two of its latest mobiles. The Samsung F490 is a full touch-based handsets with a large TFT display, while the Samsung P720 will be the second dual-SIM handset by the South Korean manufacturer.
The Samsung F490 looks much like the Samsung F700 it's seated next on the press photo. It will have a slim profile, a 5 megapixel camera and haptic touch feedback. The 3.2-inch touch-sensitive TFT display has an extraordinary resolution of 240 x 432 pixels. The Samsung F490 will appear in the beginning of 2008 and will cost around USD 600.
The Samsung P720 will be based on the Samsung Armani model, however it will offer DualSIM functionality. The handset will have a QVGA touch sensitive display and a 3 megapixel fixed focus camera - much the same as the original Samsung P520 Armani. The Samsung P720 will be targeted at the Eastern Europe and Asian markets.
via GSMarena